Instagram Influencers in Northern Ireland - Watson & Co Chartered Marketing

Instagram Influencers in Northern Ireland


Influencer marketing was destined to explode in 2017 and Instagram is one of a number of social media platforms perfect for Influencers to share brand content as a result of a trigger. Blogger or celebrity content can come via a business request or it can be self generated and unprompted in order to share an Influencers love or frustration with brands and businesses.

Influencer marketing involves targeting the influential people that your ideal consumers (buyers) follow, may look up to, trust or wish to emulate.

If done right, influencer marketing can have unparalleled sales, growth and equity results for brands and generate unmatched ROI (Return on Investment) for marketing budgets.

To give a flavour of Influencer marketing in Northern Ireland we have listed over 150 of the many local influencers (media and bloggers) that can be activated in support of your brand. You can also find practical examples and lessons from a few of the local Instagrammers currently engaging with Northern Ireland businesses.

If influencers such as Liam Neeson,  Rory McIlroy, Kim Kardashian and other celebrities and sports stars are officially out of reach for your brand, given ‘paid for’ sponsorship costs, appearance fees or the commercialisation of their social media communications, influential local bloggers, influencers and micro influencers can be useful in distributing your brand message. The quality not quantity lesson can ring ever so true in Influencer marketing. Not all of these local bloggers charge, many are happy to create content on their platforms and distribute to their audiences if asked, if they receive a freebie in the post or a compelling invite to a brand event in their inbox or if they simply love your brand, business, event, product or service and want to share their discovery with their followers or tribes.

Whilst Cristiano Ronaldo earns £310,000 per instagram post, businesses should never underestimate the importance of Agile Marketing in pursuit of Influencer marketing: A picture of Jamie Dornan at the Irish Open golf tournament sent “Tourism Northern Ireland’s social media engagement off the charts” (as reported by Paul Coleman Social and Digital Manager of Tourism Northern Ireland at a CIM Ireland Tourism Marketing breakfast, August 2017). Said post that was reported online can be viewed below:

Discover NI Social Media Post Jamie Dornan












The Influencers/Bloggers active in the Northern Ireland market place

Our advice is to look at this list alongside print, broadcast media and other brands that you could potentially partner or collaborate with for mutual gain. Think of Discover NI, Visit Belfast, Barra Best BBC Weatherman who reposts scenic pictures depicting the weather across Northern Ireland, NI Business Info who promote business events, Business First Online, Joris Minne (PR professional and Restaurant Review Critic for the Belfast Telegraph) and many more who have established audiences or followers on Instagram or indeed other social networks who value their content.

Northern Ireland Bloggers on Instagram:

  1. My Sisters Closet, Theme: Fashion, Was: 34,800 followers, June 2018: 36,900 followers, +6%
  2. Belfast Times, Jeff, Theme: Travel, Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing, Was: 5,865 followers, June 2018: 6,028 followers, +3%
  3. Angeline Murphy Design, Theme: Sewing, Was:3,000 followers, June 2018: 3,963 followers, +32%
  4. The Irish Family Blog, Angeline Murphy’s 2nd blog alongside her husband Feargal. Often features new baby Luke, Was: 132 followers, June 2018: 275 followers, +108%
  5. Ivona Moore, commercialises her blog using app: TAKUMI, Was: 63,500 followers, June 2018: 63,400 followers, -0.16%
  6. Down the Hatch, Theme: Food, Was: 1,158 followers, June 2018: 1,771 followers, +53%
  7. The Belle of Belfast, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 411 followers, June 2018: 675 followers, +64%
  8. Siobhan Murphy, Theme: Fashion, Was: 1,548 followers, June 2018: 2214 followers, +43%
  9. Jacqueline Baker- jackiesblogspot, Theme: Lifestyle, Food, Was: 2,204 followers, June 2018: 2,327 followers, +5.6%
  10. Mark Hill, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 9,326 followers, June 2018: 12,100 followers, +30%
  11. That Belfast Girl – Gemma Louise Bond, Theme: Beauty, Style, Food, Was: 2,427 followers, June 2018: 5,110 followers, +110.5%
  12. A Life to Style – Avril Keys, Theme: Fashion, Was: 11,700 followers, June 2018: 14,200 followers, +21%
  13. Bow Tie Blogger, Theme: Food, Was: 713 followers, June 2018: 1,181 followers, +66%
  14. NiamhKelly.co, Theme: Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 2,332 followers, June 2018: 2,277 followers, -2%
  15. Tiffany Brien, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 47,300 followers, June 2018: 52,900 followers, +12%
  16. Eating Ideas, Theme: Food, Lifestyle, Was: 3,511 followers, June 2018: 3,336 followers, -5%
  17. Aisling Gallagher, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 1,976 followers, June 2018: 3,242 followers, +64%
  18. Love Belfast, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 24,400 followers, June 2018: 30,400 followers, +24.6%
  19. Katie Andrew, Theme: Fashion, Lifestyle, Was: 2,007 followers, June 2018: 4,541 followers, +126%
  20. EmerD, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 924 followers, June 2018: 1,228 followers, +33%
  21. Pikalily, Theme: Food, Travel, Lifestyle, Was: 736 followers, June 2018: 966 followers, +31%
  22. Belfast Food Blog, Theme: Food, Was: 2,377 followers, June 2018: 3,216 followers, +35%
  23. Faeribex, Theme: Beauty, Was: 940 followers, June 2018: 1,174 followers, +25%
  24. NI Gossip Guy, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 11,700 followers, June 2018: 16,700 followers, +43%
  25. Belfast Bites, Theme: Food, Was: 12,600 followers, June 2018: 15,900 followers, +26%
  26. all.thats.pretty, Theme: Fashion, Family, Baking, Was: 12,100 followers, June 2018: 35,400 followers, +192.5%
  27. Lucy Evangelista, Theme: Family, Lifestyle, Was: 4,173 followers, June 2018: 4,949 followers, +18.6%
  28. KatrinaMTDoran Theme: Beauty, Was: 3,256 followers, June 2018: 3,926 followers, +20.6%
  29. passionsandpreening, Theme: Lifestyle, Beauty and Food, Was: 3,172 followers, June 2018: 4,320 followers, +36%
  30. Emily Hancock- stylemewithlove, Theme: Fashion, Wellbeing YouTuber, Was: 2,123 followers, June 2018: 2,721 followers, +28%
  31. Emma McKillion- scientist_in_the_city, Theme: Lifestyle, current Bride to be, Was: 1,286 followers, June 2018: 1,945 followers, +51%
  32. Jess Orr- jessorr23, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 716 followers, June 2018: 761 followers, +6%
  33. Katie Williamson, Theme: Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Was: 603 followers, June 2018: 896 followers, +49%
  34. Lauren Williamson- lr_daydreamer, Theme: Beauty, Youtuber, Was: 814 followers, June 2018: 873 followers, +7%
  35. Louise Vance- TheRealElleWoods, Theme: Fashion, Was: 2,226 followers, June 2018: 2,495 followers, +12%
  36. Cathy Martin- thefwordsonline Blog, Theme: Fashion, Fitness, Food, Family, June 2018: 473 followers. Separate to the blog Belfast Fashion Week Founder and Instagram Influencer Cathy also runs her own Instagram page separately – June 2018: 26,100 followers
  37. Lynn Harper- lifeofamumof6, Theme: Beauty, Fashion, Parenting, Lifestyle, Was: 3,454 followers
  38. Melissa Riddell, Theme: Fashion, Travel, Was: 7,341 followers, June 2018: 13,200 followers, +80%
  39. Niamh Cunningham- niamh_cunn, Theme: Fashion, Lifestyle, Was: 2,830 followers, June 2018: 3,961 followers, +40%
  40. Rosie Kirk, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 5,824 followers, June 2018: 8,220 followers, +41%
  41. Survivingnowthriving, Amy Theme: Food, Fashion, Lifestyle, Was: 4,700 followers, June 2018: 10,400 followers, +121%
  42. Sharon Downey- misssharonnd, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 535 followers, June 2018: 1,331 followers, +149%
  43. Emma- tellyaddicttalks, Theme: Travel, Food, Was: 6,628 followers, June 2018: 6,170 followers, -7%
  44. Sophie Davenport- sjdfitness, Theme: Fitness, Food, Was: 767 followers, June 2018: 593 followers, -33%
  45. Catherine Downey- the.sporty.dietitian, Theme: Fitness, Food, Was: 2,099 followers, June 2018: 2,703 followers, +29%
  46. Chloe Henning- chloehenning565, Theme: Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Was: 31,400 followers, June 2018: 34,100 followers, +8.6%
  47. Cliona Arthur- whambamfashionmam, Theme: Fashion, Interiors, Lifestyle, Was: 1,193 followers , June 2018: 2,866 followers, +140%
  48. Gillian Smith- eyelinerflicks, Theme: Beauty, Food, Lifestyle, Was: 1,231 followers, June 2018: 2,042 followers, +66%
  49. Holly Balentine, Theme: Life, Style, Beauty, Was: 355 followers , 393 followers, +11%
  50. Liz Kelly- beautyfashionchitchat, Theme: Beauty, Fashion, Events, Lifestyle, Was: 1,178 followers, June 2018: 1,835 followers, +56%
  51. Maria Macfarlane- mariamacfarlanee, Theme: Fashion, Food, Was: 1,080 followers, June 2018: 1,637 followers, +51.6%
  52. Tristan McGavigan- Tgavy, Theme: Mens Fashion & Lifestyle, Was: 2,084 followers, June 2018: 2,388 followers, +14.6%
  53. Wendie Gregg- lurganista, Theme: Beauty, Fashion, Was: 2,289 followers, June 2018: 4,021 followers, +76%
  54. Leigh Crawford- life,of.leigh, Theme: Fashion, Lifestyle, Beauty, Was: 3,454 followers, June 2018: 5,563 followers, +61%
  55. Laura Jayne, Theme: Home, Faith, Food, Was: 1,851 followers, June 2018: 4,415 followers, +138.5%
  56. Alex Donnelly- thefullshillingblog, Theme: Lifestyle, Travel, Was: 1,581 followers, June 2018: 2,244 followers, +42%
  57. Lucy- allthingsbeautifullymade, Theme: Lifestyle, Fashion, Was: 2,509 followers, June 2018: 3,969 followers, +58%
  58. Monique Clark- moniqueclark427, Theme: Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 1,675 followers, June 2016: 1656 followers, -1%
  59. Stefanie Mccluskey- steffie_loves, Theme: Fitness, Food, Fashion, Was: 18,400 followers, June 2018: 24,900 followers, +34%
  60. Danielle Donohoe- ddonohoe_stylist_blogger, Theme: Fashion, Lifestyle, Was: 3,835 followers, June 2018: 6,226 followers, +62%
  61. Kathryn Stewart- edible_evidence, Theme: Food, Lifestyle, Was: 143 followers, June 2018: 465 followers, +225%
  62. Brunette Beauty Blog, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 2,351 followers, June 2018: 2,665 followers, +13%
  63. Pale Girl Rambling, Theme: Beauty, Was: 2,781 followers, June 2018: 3,587 followers, +29%
  64. Alex McGregor- dailyeditofal, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 1,279 followers, June 2018: 1,485 followers, +16%
  65. Jordyn- alwaysuniqueneverordinaryblog, Theme: Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel, Was: 541 followers, June 2018: 571 followers, +5.5%
  66. Kerry & Tara-sistersandsons, Theme: Motherhood, Home Renovations, Interiors, Was: 3,433 followers, June 2018: 5,572 followers, +62%
  67. Micheal Campbell, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 973 followers, June 2018: 1,838 followers, +89%
  68. Niamh Crawford-Walker- niamhserena, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 971 followers, June 2018: 1,482 followers, +53%
  69. indianblondee, Theme: Food, Fashion, Lifestyle, Was: 1,798 followers, June 2018: 3,672 followers, +104%
  70. Kathryn O’Brien- kathrynskatwalk, Theme: Fashion, Was: 3,788 followers, June 2018: 3,994 followers, +5%
  71. Grace Blaney, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 1,300 followers, June 2018: 1,554 followers, +19.5%
  72. Just Another Beauty Bloggerni, Theme: Beauty, Was: 383 followers, June 2018: 5,072 followers, +1,224%
  73. Katy Belle- katybellemairs, Theme: Personal style, Lifestyle, Was: 2,255 followers, June 2018: 3,892 followers, +72.6%
  74. Lynsey- littleluxuriesbylynsey, Theme: Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel, Was: 1,325 followers, June 2018: 2,478 followers, +87%
  75. Antonia- antoniawillis, Theme: Beauty, Skincare, Lifestyle, Was: 1,287 followers, June 2018: 2,158 followers, +68%
  76. Soph Duff- ohsosoph, Theme: Fashion, Travel, Food, Was: 957 followers, June 2018: 1,356 followers, +42%
  77. Victoria Wilson- retrosnowflake, Theme: Lifestyle, Fitness, Food, Mental Health, Was: 865 followers, June 2018: 1,057 followers, +22%
  78. Claire Rosa Mullan- clairerosa90, Theme: Beauty, Fashion, Was: 12,500 followers, June 2018: 14,200 followers, +13.6%
  79. Charlotte- charlotte_tudge_makeup, Theme: Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel, Was: 3,066 followers, June 2018: 3,095 followers, +1%
  80. Damien McGuigan- chasingpenelope, Theme: Travel, Was: 7,166 followers, June 2018: 7,729 followers, +8%
  81. Jonny Blair- jonnydontstopliving, Theme: Travel, Was: 4,918 followers, June 2018: 5,014 followers, +2%
  82. Sera- The Style Guide Blog, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 1,688 followers, June 2018: 2,035 followers, +20.5%
  83. Emma- littlewoodlife, Theme: Interior, Fashion, Was: 22,400 followers, June 2018: 28,500 followers, +27%
  84. Laura Anne Bradley- daydreamfoodie, Theme: Food, Country Lifestyle, Was: 1,389 followers, June 2018: 1,617 followers, +16%
  85. The Dolly Bird NI, Theme: Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 110 followers, June 2018: 187 followers, +70%
  86. HandmadeNIBlog, Theme: Handmade, Lifestyle, Was: 405 followers, June 2018: 1,000 followers, +147%
  87. Dawn- inanityandthegirl, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 5,882 followers, June 2018: 12,000 followers, +104%
  88. Katie Elizabeth- beauty_full_blog_ni, Theme: Beauty, Was: 56 followers, June 2018: 53 followers, -5%
  89. belfastdaysandnights, Theme: Life in Belfast, Was: 59 followers, June 2018: 59 followers, +/- 0%
  90. Amy Savage- cosmectics.junkiee, Theme: Beauty, Was: 7,449 followers, June 2018: 9,628 followers, +29%
  91. Ashlee Coburn- ohsofemme, Theme: Fashion, Lifestyle, Beauty, Was: 10,600 followers, June 2018: 15,400 followers, +45%
  92. Denise Curran, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Was: 2,233 followers, June 2018: 3,408 followers, +52.6%
  93. Erin Walls- barebeautyni, Theme: Beauty, Was: 1,109 followers, June 2018: Page not Found b
  94. Carolyn Henderson- forever_scarlett, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 1,381 followers, June 2018: 1,519 followers, +10%
  95. Wayne Denner, Theme: Social Media, Tech, Was: 682 followers, June 2018: 770 followers, +13%
  96. Ciara Decarteret, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Was: 5,271 followers, June 2018: 5,489 followers, +4%
  97. louisemcdowell89, Theme: Fashion, Fitness, Beauty, Was: 604 followers, June 2018: 701 followers, +16%
  98. Niamh- styling_nemo, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Travel, Was: 1,400 followers, June 2018: 1,487 followers, +6%
  99. Pink mum- pinkmumsmusings, Theme: Home, Family, Fashion, Was: 473 followers, June 2018: 635 followers, +34%
  100. silverbrogues, Theme: Fashion, Style, Was: 1,361 followers, June 2018: 1,417 followers, +4%
  101. emmajanemooney, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Was: 2,397 followers, June 2018: 3,128 followers, +30.5%
  102. Alan Meban- alaninbelfast, Theme: Business, Was: 402 followers, June 2018: 507 followers, +26%
  103. Grainne Maher, ThisForThatQuidProQuo, Theme: Lifestyle, Was: 5,915 followers, June 2018: 9,829 followers, +66%
  104. Jennifer Hughes, JenniferHughesReviews, Theme: Beauty, Lifestyle, Fashion, Was: 2,087 followers, June 2018: 2,174 followers, +4%
  105. HeyShed_NI, Nicola, Theme: Architecture, Interior Design, Was: 1,745 followers, June 2018: 1,884 followers, +8%
  106. TheMotherHen, Kathryn Hendry, Theme: Parenting, Was: 1,978 followers, June 2018: 2,705 followers, +37%
  107. Dibney_Cottage_Adventures, Laura, Theme: Home, Travel, Fertility Categorised as a Personal Blog! Was: 613 followers, June 2018: 817 followers, +33%
  108. Cosmic Colette, Theme: Vegan, Mental Health, Was: 3,773 followers, June 2018: 6,463 followers, +71%
  109. BlossomingBirds, Anna Corry, Theme: Fashion, Interiors, Parenting, Was: 33,200 followers, June 2018: 44,400 followers, +34%
  110. SnazzyYazi, Theme: Fashion and Style, Was: 3,709 followers, June 2018: 6,415 followers, +73%
  111. JennaAnnieHillBlog, Theme: Lifestyle, Beauty, Interiors, Food, Motherhood, Was: 2,012 followers, June 2018: 2,160 followers, +7%
  112. ElainesRovesNTroves, Elaine Donaghy, Theme: Interiors, Fashion and Travel, Was: 715 followers, June 2018: 1,375 followers, +92%
  113. NI Explorer, Darren often accompanied by Golden Retriever Max, Theme: Travel, April 2017: 6,100 followers, June 2018: 6,669 followers, +9%
  114. SLJMcGrath, Sarah-Louise, Theme: Lifestyle, Travel, Books, Mental Health and Beauty, May 2018: 973 followers, June 2018: 1,012 followers, +4%
  115. JayneMcIlveen, Theme: Vegan Lifestyle – cruelty free food, beauty, fashion & homeware, May 2018: 2,190 followers, June 2018: 2,228 followers, +2%
  116. Chloee_Pattersonxo, Chloe Patterson, Theme: Beauty, June 2018: 203 followers
  117. alisonmcfarland_, Alison McFarland, Theme: Beauty, Travel, Fashion, June 2018: 1,019 followers
  118. passionbynatasha, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Travel and Lifestyle, June 2018: 1,702 followers
  119. Curlers `n` Coffee, Rachael, Theme: Beauty, June 2018: 1,567 followers
  120. dietstartsonmonday01, Nicole Quigley, Theme: Lifestyle, June 2018: 1,818 followers
  121. girlyinspocorner, Arlene Gill, Theme: Fashion, June 2018: 6,556 followers
  122. lifewiththedempsters, Jayne Dempster, Theme: Family, Lifestyle, Home and Travel, June 2018: 3,433 followers
  123. Olivia_and_co, Olivia Marija, Theme: Family, Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion, June 2018: 1,791 followers
  124. hannahchambers_, Hannah Chambers, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Events, Lifestyle and Food, June 2018: 1,358 followers
  125. megan_merediith, Megan Meredith, Theme: Beauty, Fashion, Family and Travel, June 2018: 1,409 followers
  126. sianmcquillan, Sian McQuillan, Theme: Fashion, Travel and Lifestyle, June 2018: 1,409 followers
  127. afternoontealondon, Eileen Donaghey Afternoonteablogger is from Nothern Ireland, June 2018: 8,771 followers
  128. Victoria Murray @dottydiamondviv, Theme: Beauty and lifestyle plus size blogger, June 2018: 1,538 followers
  129. Claire @beautyreviewsandbargains, Theme: Beauty, Plussize, Amputee, June 2018: 3,914 followers
  130. Jill @homeatrosecottage, Theme: Flowers, Family, Fashion, June 2018: 10,100 followers
  131. Majestic.Glitter, India Lee Reed, Theme: Fashion, Beauty, Festivals, YouTuber, June 2018: 3,155 followers
  132. Laura @lauras_little_loves, Theme: Home interiors, lifestyle and fashion, June 2018: 1,041 followers
  133. Hayley @hayley_the_tiny Theme: Ice Hockey, UFC, Wrestling, Comics and MMA to Make-up, animals, the odd bit of gardening and baking, June 2018: 595 followers
  134. Jemma Cousins @style_spotter1, Theme: Fashion, June 2018: 380 followers
  135. @kellymarieblog, Theme: Fashion, Parenting, Family, June 2018: 4,557 followers
  136. TaylorMadeEscapades, by Fiona Taylor Theme: Photography, Travel, Interiors, Upcycling and Parenting, Family, January 2019: 887 followers
  137. NI Family Blog Life, Theme: Family, May 2019 1,016 followers
  138. Gluten Free Fi, Theme: Food, specifically gluten free food, May 2019 37,700 followers
  139. Henn at Home, by Jillian Henning, Theme: Family, Books, Lifestyle, Food, 1,331 followers


NI Media on Instagram

Whilst the NI Blogger scene is growing and some content for brands is of superb quality it is worth marketers not forgetting about traditional media and their respective journalists across broadcast, print and online.

An Influencer strategy or campaign is about choosing the right Influencers after all and I would caution any organisation who would neglect to extend a mail sampling campaign or indeed a blogger event invite to relevant journalists reaching their target audiences alongside the right bloggers.

Broadcast Media:

  1. Official Cool FM November 2017: 19,500 followers, June 2018: 26,000 followers, +33%
  2. CoolFMBreakfastShow November 2017: 6,260 followers, June 2018: 6,100 followers, -2.5%
  3. PeteSnodden November 2017: 17,900 followers (Radio Journalist and Event Compere), June 2018: 21,600 followers, +21%
  4. MelisssaRiddell November 2017: 9,147 followers (Radio Journalist and Blogger), June 2018: 13,300 followers, +45%
  5. RebeccaMcKinney November 2017: 21,600 followers (Radio Journalist and Blogger), June 2018: 28,800 followers, +33%
  6. PauloRoss November 2017: 10,900 followers (Radio Journalist and keen hiker of the Mournes), June 2018: 13,900 followers, +27.5%
  7. Q Radio November 2017: 3,577 followers, June 2018: 4,971 followers, +39%
  8. Stephen Clements November 2017: 3,062 followers, June 2018: 3,976 followers, +30% (Stephen sadly died, please see the Stephen Clements Foundation)
  9. Cate November 2017: 707 followers, June 2018: 1,689 followers, +139%
  10. U105 November 2017: 4,373 followers, June 2018: 5,284 followers, +21%
  11. Frank November 2017: 122 followers, June 2018: 138 followers, +13%
  12. BBC Radio Ulster November 2017: 245 followers (only one instagram post), June 2018: 1,004 followers, +310%
  13. BBC News NI November 2017: 817 followers, June 2018: 1,380 followers, 69%
  14. Barra Best November 2017: 9,561 followers (BBC Weather Journalist and Event Compere), June 2018: 10,400 followers, +9%
  15. Eamonn Holmes November 2017: 311,000 followers, June 2018: 386,000 followers, +24%
  16. Downtown Radio May 2019: 2,038 followers
  17. DTR Country November 2017: 347 followers, June 2018: 1,111 followers, +220%
  18. UTV Life May 2019: 1,124 followers
  19. Vinny Hurrell, May 2019 2,104 followers

Print Media:

  1. Irish News November 2017: 2,837 followers (Have been known to do Instagram Stories eg at M&S launch event), June 2018: 3,183 followers, +12%
  2. Belfast Telegraph November 2017: 1,143 followers, June 2018: 1,403 followers, +23%
  3. The Newsletter November 2017: 273 followers, June 2018: 889 followers, +226%
  4. Sunday Life November 2017: 336 followers, June 2018: 797 followers, +137%
  5. Ulster Tatler November 2017: 2,034 followers, June 2018: 2,406 followers, +18%
  6. Northern Woman November 2017: 938 followers, June 2018: 1,500 followers, +60%
  7. Hospitality Review NI November 2017: 236 followers, June 2018: 258 followers, +9%
  8. NI4Kids November 2017: 831 followers, June 2018: 1,088 followers, +31%
  9. Bloom Magazine November 2017: 1,869 followers, June 2018: 1,867 followers, -0.1%
  10. CityBelfast June 2018: 43 followers
  11. Loopmags June 2018: 160 followers

Online Media:

  1. Belfast Live November 2017: 8,943 followers, June 2018: 13,600 followers, +52%
  2. NI Business Info November 2017: 247 followers, June 2018: 1,006 followers, +307%
  3. NI lifestyle November 2017: 2,359 followers, June 2018: 2,764 followers, +17%
  4. Property News NI November 2017: 1,344 followers, June 2018: 1,442 followers, +7%
  5. Property Pal November 2017: 1,893 followers, June 2018: 2,717 followers, +43.5%
  6. Whats On NI November 2017: 1,118 followers, June 2018: 1,171 followers, +5%
  7. BAM November 2017: 224 followers, June 2018: 283 followers, +26%
  8. NI Travel News November 2017: 393 followers, June 2018: 625 followers, +59%
  9. Pure Northern Ireland November 2017: 4,735 followers, June 2018: 4,728 followers, -0.1%
  10. Culture Northern Ireland November 2017: 1,085 followers, June 2018: 1,428 followers, +32%
  11. Best of Belfast November 2017: 17,600 followers, June 2018: 20,000 followers, +14%
  12. giggingnorthernireland June 2018: 5,533 followers
  13. culturehub_magazine June 2018: 547 followers
  14. culturenorthernireland June 2018: 1,428 followers
  15. Bout Yeh May 2019: 16,800 followers
  16. Sync NI May 2019: 780 followers


  1. Tina Calder, November 2017: 1,310 followers, June 2018: 1,311 followers, +0.08%
  2. Alan Meban- alaninbelfast, Theme: Business, Was: 402 followers, June 2018: 507 followers, +26%

Trade Press/Industry Bodies:

  1. Food NI November 2017: 1,172 followers, June 2018: 1,421 followers, +21%
  2. Hospitality Ulster, May 2019: 83 followers
  3. Hospitality Review NI, May 2019: 303 followers
  4. Retail NI, May 2019: 573 followers
  5. NICVA, May 2019: 290 followers
  6. NI Chamber, May 2019:  852 followers
  7. Linen Alive NI, May 2019: 594 followers

Destination Marketing Organisations (Travel and Tourism Influencers):

  1. Tourism Ireland, May 2019: 451,000 followers
  2. Tourism Northern Ireland – Discover NI, May 2019: 51,300 followers
  3. Visit Belfast, May 2019: 31,800 followers
  4. Visit Derry, May 2019: 7,469 followers
  5. Visit Portrush, May 2019: 864 followers
  6. Visit Causeway Coast and Glens, May 2019: 4,066 followers
  7. Visit Bangor, May 2019: 1,228 followers

BIDs – Business Improvement Districts:

  1. Linen Quarter May 2019: 1,009 followers
  2. Cathedral Quarter May 2019: 2,066 followers

Caution: Whilst the debate about fake influencer marketing rages on, (an influencer marketing shop created fake accounts to prove that the industry is full of ad fraud!) your job as a marketer is to assess the quality and credibility of the Influencers you are targeting – make sure they will be on brand for you and enable you to access your ideal target market (buyers).

Digital marketing is as simple as ABC:

  • Acquisition
  • Behaviour
  • Conversion

If engaging Instagram influencers helps you meet your business objectives, when will you start and how? If you are already using Influencer marketing successfully don’t be shy about sharing your learnings with us for consideration in future editions of this blog post and for the benefit of our local marketing and business community here in Northern Ireland. Contact Us.

Your Instagram influencers in Northern Ireland blog was scribed by Chartered Marketer Christine Watson on 21 August 2017. Research was carried out by Chantal in August 2017. Verena Neumann contributed to this blog on 2 October 2017 adding an additional ten bloggers following Christine’s attendance at #NIBloggerBrunch and even more throughout October. Following messages via Instagram, facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Email – Christine returned to rise the NI Bloggers list to over 110 on 1 November 2017 and began adding NI Media on Instagram on 3 November.  More new additions on request on 25 April 2018. Research by Franziska Dochan on 11 and 14 June 2018 rose the number of NI bloggers to 126 and on 14 June we started investigating blogger follower growth rates and added a few more influencers as well as a Journalist/Commentator category.  Latest editions – 20 May 2019 and 12 June 2019.

It is not an exhaustive list and we know that there are more than 150 influencers in Northern Ireland on Instagram and the landscape does of course change all the time. If you are a local influencer in Northern Ireland and wish to be added to this listing do let us know via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn – we would be delighted to receive your best examples and lessons too.

Businesses and Brands: If you are not yet on Instagram or don’t yet see results from your Instagram marketing you have now missed our sold out Instagram for Business workshop at Inspire Business Centre which ran from 6pm to 9pm on 23 August 2017, also our first Instameet Belfast Bootcamp for Business Instagrammers, on 8 September 2017 and on 21 June 2018 alongside the content creation bootcamp in association with Tina Calder as well as our crash course at Mallusk Enterprise Centre on 26 October 2017 and September 2018.

Our Crash Course on Sales Focused Instagram for Business is available to hire by local councils, enterprise, membership organisations & more.

Chartered Marketer – Christine Watson is accepting expressions of interest and is willing to arrange an open access course to suit demand – Contact us to be added to our open access course request list.

Traditionally a jam packed 3 hour session covers:

  • Instagram Users
  • Best Practice in Instagram for Business from over 25 million business accounts on Instagram (a rise from 15 million in July 2017)
  • Competitor Insights – Practical Activity
  • How to Use Instagram to Grow Sales – Practical Real Life Examples
  • Setting your Strategy, Objectives and Metrics
  • Your Target Audience
  • Step by Step Guide to setting up your Instagram Business/Brand Page
    • Top Tips (integration with website/other marketing – business cards, banner stands etc)
    • Branding
    • Description Copy and Calls to Action
    • Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • Creating Engaging Business and Target Customer Relevant Instagram Content
    • Hashtag research
    • No Hard Sell here
    • Branding
    • Tone
    • Content Guidelines: Ad Sizes, Image Standards and the Text Rule
    • Photos
    • Instagram Layout
    • Sharing multiple pictures in the one post
    • Videos
    • Boomerang
    • Instagram stories (24 hour lifetime)
    • Promotions / Competitions
    • Calls to Action
    • Auto feeds into other social media
    • Engagement (comments)
    • Growing sales through Instagram Advertising
    • Analytics and Insights
    • Content marketing management
    • Content marketing matrix
    • Scheduling
    • Sample content calendars
    • Sourcing content and using it legally
    • Repurposing content
    • Curating content
    • User generated content
    • Action man and wonderwoman
    • Amplification strategies – traditional and digital PR and microinfluencers

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and it is all covered in brief over a 3 hour timeline.

Your trainer for an Instagram workshop – Chartered Marketer: Christine Watson reserves the right to add to the above learning objectives based on Instagram changes that may occur between now and the training delivery date and/or light bulb moments between now and then!

Blog created 21 August 2017. Ongoing additions and amends. Latest edition – 20 May 2019.