Helping Kickstart businesses in Belfast deal with Covid-19 - 24 April 2020 - Watson & Co Chartered Marketing

Helping Kickstart businesses in Belfast deal with Covid-19 – 24 April 2020

Helping Kickstart businesses deal with Covid-19

Date: 24 Apr 2020
Time: 10am until 11.30am

This webinar is by email invitation only to current or past participants of the Belfast City Council Kickstart programme currently being delivered by Enterprise Northern Ireland.

This webinar is for your business – whether you have had to close, you’re just surviving or you’re able to run your business as usual during this unprecedented time.

Our panel will share their expertise and take a question and answer session.


Michael McQuillan, CEO Enterprise NI will cover:
What support is available in Belfast to new business start-ups?

Tony Haren, ACMA, Admor Business Solutions will cover:
Cashflow crisis, know when to act, what kind of information a bank will look for if seeking an overdraft and having cash in place to enable you to reopen

Christine Watson, Chartered Marketer and Licensed Trainer, Watson & Co. Chartered Marketing will cover:
Innovative thinking – how to reboot your sales when normality returns

Find out more at: http://www.belfastcity.gov.uk/events/Event-117814.aspx

or contact Enterprise NI direct:

Enterprise Northern Ireland

Website: http://www.enterpriseni.com

Twitter: @EnterpriseNI