Using Video Tool: Lumen 5 to turn Written Blogs into Video Content Marketing

Watson & Co. Chartered Marketing host the Digital Sanity Supper Club – a monthly dinner designed to help Marketing Practitioners and Trainers keep their knowledge and skills up to date with new and rapidly changing marketing tools and tactics available within a marketers toolbox.

At the Inaugural Supper Club at the Malmaison Hotel in Belfast on 23 October, attendee Richard Graham mentioned a video tool to easily turn written blog content into video – Lumen 5.

Lumen 5

Given the number of blogs we host on our website and encourage our clients to create and host and the importance of video content we set an applied learning objective and went about turning one of our blogs into some video content in advance of our next Crash Course in Sales Focused Instagram Marketing for Business course at Mallusk Enterprise Park on 26 October 2017.

Our Erasmus plus Trainee – Verena Neumann entered the website url for our blog – Instagram Influencers in Northern Ireland into the Lumen 5 platform.

Lumen 5 automatically took copy from our blog content and added images. We had the opportunity to edit both the copy and the imagery, alongside the look and feel of the video, adding our logo and an end frame as well as music.

We then downloaded the video and uploaded to our You Tube Channel. View the result – Instagram Influencers in Northern Ireland

Instagram Influencers in NI








With thanks to Richard for letting us know about Lumen 5 and Verena for creating our first Lumen 5 Video.

The next Digital Sanity Supper Club dates can be found at